Sunday, May 20, 2007

Stinky Feet and Smelly Flowers

What a busy weekend we had! The weather was beautiful, so we were able to spend a lot of time outside. Saturday we went to the Liberty Heritage Festival where we ate WAY too much food, walked around to look at all the fun craft booths and saw a reenactment of Jesse James robbing a bank in historic downtown Liberty. Then we headed over to watch a concert by Jim Cosgrove, aka Mr. Stinky Feet. The kids love Mr. Stinky Feet - we've seen him in concert a few times and he visited Ethan's school earlier in the year. So, you can imagine how excited Ethan was when he was chosen to be in the "Stinky Feet Band" during one of the songs (in the pic above, he's 4th from the left in the orange shirt). I have a video of his performance, and if I have the time one of these days I'll try to figure out how to post it on the blog.
Today Ethan and I went shopping for some flowers to plant out front. He was supposed to help me plant them, but was too busy playing with his friends to help me tonight. So, Abby decided she would get in on the action. She loved playing in the dirt - and I'm pretty sure more of it ended up on her than in the flower pot, but she had a great time:)


Brooke said...

Is that a water bottle with diet coke in it?:) LOL

Renee said...

Hee Hee - it's actually a bottle of water with cherry Crystal Light. But you never know around here;)