Sunday, May 27, 2007

One more reason I'm not a nurse

There are lots of reasons I never went to nursing or medical school. I have friends who are nurses and I have always admired what they do, but I just don't have the personality for it. This week has reinforced my desire to stay as far away from the medical field as possible (atleast the patient care aspect). I don't deal well with whiny sick people - I have absolutely no bedside manner. It has taken every bit of patience I have to deal with Ethan since he had his tonsils out. Now don't get me wrong, I love him more than I can express and I know that he's hurting. I wish there was something in my power I could do to make the pain stop, but short of giving him his medicine and attempting to soothe him I'm pretty much out of luck. We were doing really well until today. The Dr. warned us the worst days pain-wise would be days 4-5-6 post-op. Today is day 4 and indeed the Dr. was correct. Ethan has been in considerable pain and refuses to take his pain meds. His stomach is nauseated due to the meds and the fact that he won't eat and is barely drinking. Tonight I finally resorted to the anti-nausea medicine in hopes that his stomach wouldn't be so upset and he might eat or drink something. This might seem like a simple task and you might ask why we hadn't tried the anti-nausea meds earlier. One word - suppository. Yes, this is the form the anti-nausea medicine comes in. So, I got out the latex gloves and petroleum jelly and gave him the medicine. He wasn't very happy, but his stomach is feeling better and he did take his pain medicine. I did have to laugh - once I was done Ed told him to "squeeze his cheeks" so the medicine wouldn't come out. I looked up to find Ethan diligently making "fish lips" by squeezing his cheeks together. He was squeezing the wrong cheeks;)

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