Friday, May 4, 2007

So that explains it........

Ethan had his follow-up ENT appointment today. To make a long story short, we went for his 5-yr check-up in November and found that Ethan is having hearing loss because his tonsils and adenoids are so large they are pushing on his Eustachian tubes. We went to the same ENT who put in Abby's tubes about 6 weeks ago and he recommended taking out Ethan's tonsils and adenoids and putting tubes in his ears. Since it wasn't life-threatening, we decided to wait another 6 weeks and see if anything changed before committing to surgery. Well, when we went today we found his ears are still filled with fluid and he has a sinus infection. As the Dr. put it, Ethan is basically hearing like he's submerged in the deep end of a swimming pool. Combined with the sinus infection I think this might explain the mood he's been in all week. So, we scheduled his surgery for May 23rd and I decided to try and be easier on Ethan - atleast until the antibiotic kicks in and takes care of his sinus infection.

I had a meeting over lunch today, so Ethan went to work with Ed for a while to give us both a break. Of course he was very well behaved while at work with Daddy. On my way to pick him up after my meeting Abby fell asleep in the van, so I knew I would never get her to take a nap when we got home. I resigned myself to not having my "mommy time" today and instead took them both to Target to pick up Ethan's antibiotic. We got there at 1:30 only to find the pharmacy closed from 1:30-2:00 for lunch. Ugh. I just can't catch a break this week. I did need a few other things, so decided to go ahead and do our shopping. One of the things on my list was a pair of shorts to wear for Walk America on Sunday. So, I picked out a couple and made the mistake of taking both children into the dressing room with me. I took off my pants to try on the shorts only to hear Ethan chanting "I see your underwear, I see your underwear". Not to be outdone by her brother, Abby started exclaiming in her very loud 2-yr-old voice "I see your underwear, I see your underwear". So I made yet another mistake and took off my shirt to try on a T-shirt with the shorts, at which point Ethan started chanting "I see your boobies, I see your boobies" - and of course Abby joined right in. I actually heard the dressing room attendant laugh out loud. I promptly got dressed and hauled them out of the dressing room. I offered to give her both children for the weekend, but sadly she declined. So, we finished our shopping and came home.

After Ed got home we went to dinner and then to Sam's where both kids talked me into cherry icees. We got home and I was just about done with both of them, and was trying to remind myself that Ethan doesn't feel well and I should be more understanding. So, I started the bath water and told them it was bath time. They were excited, both stripped out of their clothes quickly and started running towards the bathroom. In his rush to the tub, Ethan decided to give Abby a big shove right into the corner on the wall. She hit her head pretty hard, and given that she'd had basically no nap and it was almost bedtime, she completely melted down. I mean screaming, crying inconsolable melt down. Have I mentioned that she has a very sensitive gag reflex? Remember the cherry icee? Yep, you guessed it. All the crying and screaming caused her to gag and throw up cherry icee all over the floor. All of my attempts to remind myself that Ethan didn't feel well went right out the window. He took a bath and went to bed with no snack, no movie and no books. Of course we had to run the steam cleaner first to remove the very red cherry icee from the carpet, but as soon as that was done we put him in bed. All I can say is the antibiotics better start working very soon.

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