Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Rainy Day

There are children who play by themselves and are able to entertain themselves for at least short periods of time. I know they exist, my nephew Dalton is one of them. Ethan is not. Today was a very long day. He was up at the crack of dawn and turned on the TV at full volume. I could hear it even with the pillow over my head. Finally Ed got up and made him turn it down, which is a good thing because it would not have been good if I had to venture out into the living room that early in the morning. However, my reprieve was short-lived. Once Ed left for work Ethan started harassing me. "Mom, when are you going to get up?", "Mom, what are we going to do today?", "Mom, it's raining outside", "Mom, can I have some cereal". So, finally I got up and fed the little critter some cereal then escaped to the shower before Abby woke up. Keep in mind our shower is clear glass on 2 sides. I hate it - it's like showering in a fish tank. When we bought the house I was so enamoured with the big jetted tub that I didn't even notice the all-glass shower. Next time we are house shopping I will check out the shower. Anyhow, I was enjoying my nice, quiet shower until I opened my eyes after washing my hair to find Ethan standing on the tub with his hands cupped around his face, nose stuck all the way up against the glass staring at me. He scared me to death. He can be quiet when he wants to, I didn't even hear him come in. Then it started again "Mom, when are you going to be done in the shower", "Mom, what are we going to do today?", "Mom, it's raining outside". Good Lord. I wasn't sure exactly what we were going to do yet, but an X-Large diet coke from McDonald's was going to be our first stop!
We were supposed to go to a children's farm with the MOMS Club, but due to the weather that was out. So we headed to the library for story time only to find story time is over until summer. I love the library, but I hate searching for books with 2 kids. Abby's favorite past time at the library is pulling every book she sees off the shelf. That's a lot of books! So, we got some books, made a mess and then headed to McDonalds. I gorged myself on diet coke while they played in the play place. When we got home, it started again. "Mom, what are we going to do now?", "Mom, it's raining outside", etc. etc. The kid should be a freakin weatherman. Anyway, I put Abby down for a nap at which time I declared it "Mommy time". I try to do this each day when Ethan is home because if I don't one of us will not make it until Ed gets home in the evening. I told Ethan I was going to watch my "Mommy show" (General Hospital) and he needed to leave me alone until it was over (an hour - yeah, right). So, every 5 minutes he proceeded to come in and ask when "Mommy time" was over. Then, miraculously he disappeared for about 15 minutes. When I was done with "Mommy time", I walked into the kitchen and found what you see in the picture on the left above. He had dumped a bunch of rocks all over paper plates and in cups. Hummmm.
Then it started again. "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom........." So, we made blueberry muffins (pic above on the right). Then he pestered me until Ed got home and I left for aerobics. I feel better now that I've worked out, but I'm not sure how many more rainy days I can handle. Luckily he has school tomorrow and I'll get a break. I'm counting down the days until summer school starts in June:)

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