Friday, May 11, 2007

"I saw it on TV"

Ethan was in my room for a while watching TV. He came in after I put Abby down for a nap and I happened to see something by his belly button when he was playing with his T-shirt. I asked him to lift up his shirt. He got his "Eddie Haskel" look on his face and said "why Mom?" I told him I thought I saw something on his stomach and he said "I Love You" then raised up his shirt so I could see the big smiley face he'd drawn on his stomach. I really just had to laugh - it was pretty cute. I asked why he did that and his response was simply "I saw it on TV". I have no idea what he was watching, but apparently it involved naked bellies and a ball point pen!
In other news, Ethan is a completely different child this week thanks to the antibiotics. I was so frustrated with him last week, and in hindsight I see his behavior was mostly because he didn't feel well. So, he may indeed live to see kindergarten, but the verdict is still out!

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