Friday, May 25, 2007

It's 5am - Time for Ice Cream!

I haven't posted for a few days for a couple of reasons. The primary reason is that Ethan had his surgery on Wednesday and I haven't had much time on the computer. The other reason is that the battery went out on my computer and I found out just how spoiled I really am. I love my laptop and the fact that I can just sit on the couch and work on the computer. It's amazing how much motivation it takes me to actually plug the computer in to work in the living room. A couple of times the last few days I've thought "I should sit and work on the computer". Then I looked at the cords and decided I wasn't motivated enough to move everything around. Thankfully my new battery arrived today and once it charges I will once again have my mobility back!

Ethan did amazing during and after his surgery. After it was all said and done, the Dr. said he atleast tripled Ethan's airway by removing his monster tonsils! He also removed quite a bit of fluid from both ears, so his hearing should improve dramatically. Ethan is pretty much a tired little version of his normal self. He does really well as long as he takes the pain meds. The worst part is the early morning - he's really sore when he wakes up because the meds have worn off. Yesterday he was up at 5am and was clearly in a lot of pain. He took the medicine and I asked him if there was anything he wanted to make his throat feel better. So there we were, 5:00 in the morning, sitting at the table while he ate ice cream and watched his new Hot Wheels movie.

Despite the pain, I'm pretty sure he would go through surgery again in a heartbeat. He has really enjoyed all the attention and things he doesn't usually get to do. He gets free access to ice cream, Popsicles and chocolate milk. Grandma Merri came and brought a new Lite Brite and Hot Wheels Movie, our friend Lucy stopped by and brought Popsicles, ice cream, balloons and suckers, our friend Sarah came over and brought more ice cream and of course Mom and Dad had a few presents for him also. His new favorite past time is making creations with Moon Sand. There are very few "messy" activities that will entertain Ethan for longer than it takes me to clean them up, and while Moon Sand is messy, it is well worth the mess. He spent over an hour playing with it this morning!! Of course Abby is loving all of this also - by default she's getting presents and ice cream at every meal:)

One of Ethan's requests when he had his tonsils out was that he wanted to keep his tonsils. We have to wait until pathology is done with them, but will be making a trip to the hospital next week to pick them up. We'll be sure to post a picture once we get them back!!

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