Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Weight Watchers for dogs?

I had to take Hero to the vet today. To make a very long story short he has a nasty bacterial infection on his tail due to all the humidity and rain we've had lately. So, today I spent $250.00 on him, now before you go into shock keep in mind that included his vaccinations. However, it doesn't include the additional $100.00 it's going to cost me tomorrow to get all his hair shaved off and the $ I'm going shell out for heartworm meds and Frontline. And something tells me we may be signing him up for weight watchers. It's never a good sign when the vet comes in and says "so, what exactly does Hero eat at home?" I really like this vet, but she looked at me like I was lying through my teeth when I told her he only gets fed once a day and gets no table food. Then she asked "exactly how much are you feeding him once a day?". Like I put out a buffet for him or something. Anyway, I wasn't sure exactly how much Ed feeds him, so I was sent home with strict instructions to measure how much food he's getting at night. I measured it tonight - 5 cups. That doesn't seem like much for a dog his size (he weighs 110 lbs), but I'll report back after I chat with the vet tomorrow.

To top off the day, my husband is in a mood tonight (love you honey, but you are) and I don't think he's happy about the money I'm shelling out for the dog. You see, Ed grew up around a farm where all the money you invest in an animal is in the bullet to put them down when they are sick. This is one of the very few things we disagree on as I am very fond of my animals. I have faith I will one day win him over to my side though - especially after the $ we spent on having my rabbit's eye removed. Yes, we used to have a one-eyed bunny. It's another long story, but Baxter lived a long happy life (8 years) after we had his diseased eye removed and to me that was worth the expense. I think Ed was just humoring me, but whatever works:)
OK, sorry for the rambling post. I think I'm a little tired!


Anonymous said...

You gotta know your favorite farm boy from NY would weigh in on this one - gotta agree with Ed -Hero's new diet could be a high lead low fiber diet?? Certainly cheaper - fractions of the vet costs the last time I wandered through the sporting goods section in Wallyworld.

Seriously I understand the 'take care of the babies' thing, but farm boys are more practical when it comes to animals - they are either 'fer eatin or shootin' or both'

Renee said...

Funny - I actually thought of you when I was typing the post. I knew you farm boys would stick together........