Saturday, May 26, 2007

Why I love my husband

There are many, many reasons I love my husband. He is one of the most patient people I know (a good thing since he lives with me;), he lets me sleep in on the weekends, he is a wonderful father and husband. I can't possibly list all of the things I love about him, but I can tell you he added one more reason to my list this morning. I was attempting to shower while Abby was systematically dismantling the bathroom. He came in and they disappeared. I got out of the shower to find them in our room and he was painting her fingernails! He even painted her toenails once he finished the fingernails. I have to tell you it pretty much melted my heart to see the two of them - especially seeing her watch him so intently while he gave her a little manicure and pedicure. I was curious, so I did ask what possesed him to break out the fingernail polish. His response: "I've been stuck in the house way too long":) You see, he took off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday due to Ethan's surgery. So, we have had lots of family bonding time........
Ethan is doing very well, but he's starting to go a little stir-crazy. Pops and Grandma Jane stopped by this afternoon and brought cookies, ice cream and the Hungry Hungry Hippos game. We've played LOTS of Hungry Hungry Hippos tonight! If it's not raining tomorrow we may venture out to the zoo. I really hope it's not raining, because Ethan isn't the only one going stir-crazy around here!

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