Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lucky Charms

Today is Mother's Day. I absolutely love to sleep in, so you would think on today of all days I would have gotten the chance to sleep in a bit. However, this was not in the cards for me today. My niece Caylie spent the night last night and when she stays she sleeps in Abby's room. She didn't know that Abby doesn't normally get up at 5:45am, so when Abby awoke this morning crying (she's working on 2-yr-molars), Caylie got to her before I did and they decided in was time to get up and play. Of course "playing" meant waking up Ethan and then making a bunch of noise so that no one could sleep. I was about to nudge Ed out of bed so he could deal with the children when he got paged for work. So, I decided to pop in a video for Abby in hopes of staying in bed just a little longer. This was my first mistake. Why is it children can make tons of noise at 5:45am, but not a peep when they sneak off to do something ornery? I was laying in bed with the pillow over my head listening to the muffled version of "Fuzzy and Blue" by Grover and thinking to myself "wow, she's being really quiet, she must really like this video". We recently picked it up at the library and she hadn't watched it yet, so I was really happy at how well it was keeping her attention. Or so I thought. Ed came into the living room and I heard "oh man, Ethan - stay out of the way". This is never a good phrase when coming from my very calm husband. I resigned myself once again to getting out of bed and went to see what the commotion was about. Apparently Abby decided she was hungry and dumped the remainder of the Lucky Charms (about half a box) out on the kitchen floor - put the empty box back on the table and proceeded to pick out all the marshmallows. I looked around for Caylie only to find her sleeping on the couch through all of this - she later told me she was "very tired from getting up so early with Abby". Although I wasn't too happy about finding half a box of marshmallowless Lucky Charms on the floor (given our ant problem), I had to laugh when Abby looked at Ethan, grabbed a handful of cereal off the floor and offered it to him saying "here Ethan, want some? It REALLY good". Guess it's a good thing I had swept and mopped the floor before going to bed last night so atleast she was eating off a clean floor:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Wish you could read your posts from here...I'm sure they're much funnier from where I sit than from where you write them! In reality I know you have a good sense of humor about it all - have to to be a successful parent with more than one rugrat, huh?

My 'husband' got to sleep in ALL day on Sunday for Mom's day - so I think I did my job. I got her a weedwacker this year for Mom's day - funny one of our female friends gave me a weird look when I told her what I got Janet - she just doesn't know my wife - last year it was a lawn mower and both gifts were appreciated!!

On another note....did I answer you question about website stuff? If not, I use Dreamweaver. It's pretty handy.