Monday, May 7, 2007

Holy Mini Spooners!!

We went to the grocery store for ketchup today. It might sound strange to go to the store just for ketchup, but around here it's one of our major food groups and we are out! I also hadn't been out of the house yet today and had no outings planned, so I was in desperate need of fountain diet coke, which they conveniently have at HyVee. So I guess I should say we went to the grocery store for ketchup and liquid sanity for me. Anyhow, enough with the rambling. Ed has eaten the same cereal almost ever since I've known him (almost 12 yrs!). Frosted Mini Spooners (the generic of Frosted Mini wheats) are his breakfast of choice. Anyhow, imagine my surprise when we walked down the cereal aisle and found large boxes of Frosted Mini Spooners on sale for $0.99 a box!! Like a dutiful wife and mother, I checked the expiration date and they don't expire until sometime in 2008, so I figured it was safe to stock up. We bought all they had - I think about 15 boxes with a few CoCo Roos and Cinnamon Toasters thrown in for good measure. I even stopped a very nice man who was kind enough to get the boxes I couldn't reach off the top shelves. He looked at me like I was nuts, but he gave me the rest of the boxes on the shelf! We loaded up our cereal and came home. The kids loved stacking up the boxes - so far they have made a castle, a boat and a swimming pool (hence the pic of them in their undergarments). The swimming pool creation happened while I disappeared to switch the laundry - I came in and found them both naked in the middle of the boxes. I asked why they took off their clothes and was told "This is a swimming pool and Mom, you know you can't swim in your clothes". Hummmm, I suppose I can't argue with that logic, and it's keeping them busy since it's once again raining outside. I should probably stop typing now and go find somewhere to put all of the cereal before Ed comes home!


Anonymous said...

I have to say I reallyyyyyy miss hearing about Ed's food obsessions!! Add Mini Spooners to sweet corn and anything deepfried and BOY whatta meal - gotta make Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers cringe.

How'd the "walk" go this past weekend?

Renee said...

Yes, my husband is generally very low maintenance, but his food preferences are amusing sometimes!

Unfortunately the walk was rained out - they hold it "rain or shine", but it was pouring down rain - complete with thunder and lightening. So we didn't get to walk, but we did raise $230.00 for March of Dimes and I was pretty happy about that. I'm planning to post about it, but waiting for Ed to take a pictue of Ethan and me in our fancy Walk America shirts:)

Unknown said...

yet again, another hilarious antic in the harper home. I love the naked swimming, forget scrap-booking, keep the blog pages in a book for them, they'll love it.