Monday, August 13, 2007
I think I'm moving - my site;)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Ready for Kindergarten

Friday, August 10, 2007
Unofficially Employed
I've been gone for one reason or another almost every night this week, so Abby was really happy to see me when I got home from my meeting tonight. She climbed right up in my lap, snuggled in and said "Mommy, you are my best snuggler". Too cute. The response I got from Ethan was not nearly as endearing. He said "Mom, you smell funny". I'm not sure what's up with his nose lately, but everyday this week he's told me I smell funny. I'm starting to get a complex about the whole thing. Ed assures me I don't have a funky smell, but still it's not a very nice thing to hear everyday from my 5-yr-old. I'm choosing to ignore his comment and focus on being the best snuggler - because that makes me smile:)
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Biding my time
Sunday, August 5, 2007
It's amazing how fast our weekends go by even when we don't have any real plans. We startedthis weekend on Friday by taking a tour of the chocolate factory at Crown Center with the MOMS Club. The kids loved learning about how they made the fudge and the candy maker put on quite a show for us (above pics). We all got to taste some yummy treats and came home with goody bags of fudge and chocolate treats. It was a very fun and tasty way to start the weekend!
We spent the rest of the weekend trying to stay cool. We spent a good majority of Saturday getting things done around the house and then we headed to our neighborhood pool. Tonight we went to Abby's friend Emerie's 3rd b-day party and it was full of fun! Both kids were tuckered out and are in bed sound asleep. I'm headed that direction myself soon so good night for now!!Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Harper Valley PTA
In other news, we had some excitement at swimming lessons today. Ethan and his friend Brooke are in this class along with 4 other kids from the same family. To make a long story short, today was the first time this session they ventured to the "big pool". I really like Ethan's teacher. He is the perfect fit for Ethan - he's great with the kids but pushes them just enough. He doesn't put up with crying and whining, and will basically push them in if they won't jump. Now, this may seem cruel, but he says he won't put them in the big pool until he's sure they can swim back to the side. This worked well in the first session - all of the parents were very supportive of his teaching style and we were all there cheering the kids on once they made it into the big pool. Well, apparently the mom of the siblings in Ethan's class isn't into pushing her kids. As soon as she saw Marshall (the teacher) putting her son into the pool against his will she waddled her pregnant self (yes - child #5) over and started cussing and yelling at him right in front of the kids. It went something like this "Why in the h*## are you forcing them to do s*%t they don't want to do? I tell them not to go into the deep water at the lake and you are forcing them. I want a refund. We're not coming back." Being the diplomatic sort, I tried to explain that Ethan didn't like it at first, but now he's jumping off the diving board and loving it. She informed me "she didn't need my opinion on her kids". I beg to differ, but I was kind of afraid she might tackle me, so I didn't offer any other opinions. I do however have a feeling Brooke and Ethan will be having their own private swimming lessons the rest of the session!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Ball Pit!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Wieners gone wild!!
Saturday evening my friend Lucy watched the kids while Ed and I went to the Jumpin' Catfish for dinner with my Mom and Step-Dad. My little brother was there entertaining diners with his guitar playing, so we had a nice dinner with some relaxing music.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
E: Mom, sometime can we go to China?
Me: Well, China is very very far away - what do you want to do in China?
E: I want to go to one of those restaurants where you get Chinese food and the table spins around. Like on Calliou.
I guess he's been watching too much PBS. Maybe this weekend we'll go in search of a Chinese restaurant with a "spinning table". In Kansas City. Not China.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Farmer Ethan
The first thing he said was "Wow - I have to call Pops". After that he looked at me and said "so when will we get watermelons?" I guess we'll be transplanting the seedlings to a pot soon to see if they keep growing!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Public Service Announcement - Please double check the refrigerator door
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Stinky crocodile
We originally bought this crocodile for Ethan - it's a game where you take turns pushing down the teeth and one of the teeth randomly causes the crocodile mouth to snap shut. Abby has taken over possession of the crocodile, but she has a love/hate relationship with the critter. Every afternoon after nap she drags out the crocodile and begs me to "play crocodile" with her. When I finally sit down and agree to play she looks at it and says "no, it scary - lets play a different game". Every day this is our post naptime routine. Lately she's started just playing with the crocodile. The other day I found her trying to feed her stuffed dog to the crocodile. When I asked her what she was doing she informed me the crocodile was hungry (she has a whole bin full of kitchen play food and she chose to feed him the dog - I don't even want to think about what that means). Today after nap she carried out the crocodile, a changing pad and a diaper. I once again asked what she was doing and she told me "crocodile stinky - he need a new diaper". I guess I can go along with this since changing the croc's diaper entertained her for about 20 minutes!
In other news, those of you faithful readers may have noticed my absence for a while. Our internet went out on Tuesday and it was not a good day in our house. The very helpful man from Time Warner came and replaced our motem on Wednesday, but then the wireless was having issues. Thanks to the hard work of my husband my internet is now up and running faster than ever. Lets just say it's been a tense week here at the Harper house - I didn't realize how addicted I am to the internet until I didn't have access.
We've had a quiet weekend with no plans to speak of. Ethan has been in rare form - so much that today I actually got out the calendar and counted the number of days until school starts - 25 for those of you keeping track. We put them both to bed early tonight and now I'm enjoying the peace and quiet. I may just go take a long hot bath!!
Monday, July 16, 2007
The Monster Truck Fairy
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Backyard Cobbler
I do believe our neighbors think Ed has gone crazy. For some unknown reason, tonight Ed decided to use some of the camping supplies he had left over and make a cobbler in his dutch oven. Now while most people would do this inside in the oven, my husband decided to make the cobbler outside. He made a fire with charcoal under the deck (the only place in the backyard where there isn't grass), put the cobbler together in his dutch oven and cooked it over the coals in the backyard. He went outside to start the fire and while he was inside assembling the ingredients for his creation the phone rang. Yep, you guessed it - it was the deck-sitting neighbors. I answered the phone to hear "did you know there's a fire under your deck? Karl is on his way over with the hose!!" I could almost hear the sound of disbelief when I told her it was OK - Ed was just making a cobbler. Once the cobbler was finished he did take some to the neighbors, so hopefully they'll overlook my crazy husband making a cobbler in the backyard since he brought a peace offering. And as much as I hate to admit it, the cobbler (apple-cherry) was pretty tasty! Lets just say I'll be doing a few extra minutes on the elliptical tomorrow due to the amount of cobbler I consumed.
Friday, July 13, 2007
We'll be eating ramen noodles for a while
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Diving Board
Monday, July 9, 2007
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Sad commentary on my life........
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Not in the job description
Ethan: Daddy's going to bring you home a surprise for your birthday. I can't tell you what it is.
Me: Hummm, I like surprises.
Ethan: Want me to give you a hint? If you guess I won't be giving away the surprise.
Me: OK, give me a hint.
Ethan: It's round and has petals.
Me: Hummmmm, what could Daddy bring me that's round and has petals?
Ethan: Yep, it's flowers - you guessed it!!
I won't be sharing any secrets I want to keep with him anytime in the near future;)
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Slip-n-Slide (and Splash!)
A couple of weekends ago we went up to visit Ed's parents in Quincy. There isn't much for the kids to do there, so we went and bought a Slip-n-Slide to keep the kids occupied. Yesterday was the first day we've played on it at home, and Ethan uses it more as a sprinkler than a slide. Abby avoids it all together because she really DOES NOT like sprinklers. However, she loves her pool, so we got that out as well and she was happy as a clam. We were supposed to have an outdoor playgroup here yesterday, but Abby has some sort of wierd stomach thing going on, and while I suspect it's related to teeth or ears, I didn't want to take the chance of getting anyone sick. So I cancelled the playgroup and Ethan was really bummed. I told him we could still get out all the outside water toys and he perked up immediately! It also gave me the opportunity to take some fun summer-time pics which I've posted above.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Conversations with my children
1. Abby: Mommy, what's in your mouth?
Me: (chewing gum) Nothing
Abby: Can I have some nothing too Mommy?
Me: No, not right now
Abby: I love you Mommy, you are my best mommy
Hummm - it's good to be the best even when I lied about the gum AND told her no;)
2. Me: Abby, are you OK? (She's had some stomach issues yesterday and today)
Ethan: I bet she has diary
Me: What?
Ethan: You know, diary - that runny poop you get after you throw up.
Friday, June 29, 2007
What's the deal with white gumballs?
I loved the sentiment and to this day it is one of the favorite gifts he's ever given me. However, I found the appeal of the gumballs wasn't there when the machine was sitting on my own counter. I think I loved the idea of gumballs and the memories linked to the gumball machine at MiMi's house. So the poor gumballs sat in the machine for about 6 years - until last month when my own children developed an interest in the gumball machine. So off to Toys R Us we went to get brand new gumballs - we dumped out the old and poured in the new. The kids love it - they each get a piece just about every day. I've once again started putting pennies into the machine to get myself a gumball every now and then. Just about every time I decided to get one, I put in a penny and out rolls - you guessed it - a white gumball. Today I got 4 white gumballs in a row! I'm not sure what the deal is with white gumballs, but Ethan doesn't like them either. So we have to pawn the white ones off on pour unsuspecting Abby. She doesn't seem to care - she's just happy she's finally getting gum!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Bully and the Beast
Monday, June 25, 2007
You can take the boy out of the country........
I'm also still not used to neighbors watching our every move. Now, don't get me wrong, I like our neighbors and I'm happy they called so I knew to change the dog's water, but they get home from work and sit on their deck to observe the on-goings of our street until late at night. This ritual also involves beer and lots of cigarette smoking. It still amazes me that anyone can sit on a deck for that long - they have some serious deck-sitting stamina. I'm continually amazed by how things work here in suburbia - but I guess it's a good thing the neighbors were on the deck or Hero would have been drinking some pretty gross water!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
"I want to be you when I grow up"
I came home from kickboxing last night to find 2 very dirty and sweaty kids. They had been playing outside in the backyard - and by the looks of them they had been playing VERY hard. They wanted a drink before their bath, so I sat them at the table and gave them each a juice box. Then I turned around to check my email and heard Ethan say "Abby is using all the napkins". I turned around to find her squirting her juice box all over the napkin basket on the table. I yelled at her and she started crying and screaming like a typical 2-yr-old. While I was cleaning up the juice I looked over to see Ethan grinning from ear to ear. I asked him what was so funny and he looked at me with his sweaty hair and dirt streaked face and said "at least it wasn't me this time". Once again I had to laugh!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Roughing it

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Best Friends
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Princess and the Devil
She's also learned how to climb. While the 2-yr-old crowd was playing in Abby's room, someone opened the dresser drawer and took out all of Abby's clothes. I walked in her room to find clothes and toys all over the floor and Abby standing in the 2nd dresser drawer. Just a warning - never leave a room full of 2-yr-olds unattended;) They had fun and I didn't mind the mess, so all is well. However, I was relaying the events of the day to Ed over dinner and he looked at Abby and said "is Ethan going to be the good one now? Is it your turn to be the devil?" She smiled her best smile, looked at Ed and said "No Daddy, I a princess. Ethan is the devil." Then proceeded to walk around the house saying "Ethan is the devil, Ethan is the devil". It was pretty amusing.
I also determined today that I have a serious problem. I am officially a fountain diet coke addict (as if there was any doubt). This morning after I dropped Ethan off at the bus I ran to Sonic to pick up my Diet Coke. Once I got there, I had the revelation that since I was hosting the playgroup I wouldn't have a chance to leave the house again today. So, I bought 2 Route 44 Diet Cokes. Then I came home and hid one in the fridge in the garage until Ed left so he wouldn't know I bought 2. This was when I decided I have a problem. I guess atleast I'm not hiding bottles of Vodka:)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Family Picture Day

Thursday, June 7, 2007
Playing in the Rain
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Summer School Update

Sunday, June 3, 2007
Take a boat, take a train, take a.....camel?

Thursday, May 31, 2007
First Trip to the Pool
We've had such a busy day today! This morning was "bus orientation" for summer school. So, I loaded up Ethan, his friend Leyton and Abby to go and learn all about riding the bus. We learned about bus safety, watched a video and then they told us we got to go on an actual bus ride. I thought this sounded like fun. Apparently Ethan had other thoughts. We were in a room full of parents, siblings and future kindergarteners headed out to get on the bus when he threw one huge hissy fit. I'm not talking a little fit - I'm talking about screaming, crying, clinging to my leg fit. He kept yelling "I'm not going on the bus. I'm not going to school. I'm going to stay home with you for the rest of my life". He was THE ONLY one throwing a fit. To top it all off, children younger than school age aren't allowed to be transported on the bus, so I was trying to get him on the bus while I stayed in the parking lot with Abby. I really wish they would have told us this ahead of time and I would have left Abby with a friend. But anyway, there I was with a screaming, crying 5-yr-old and his friend who kept plugging his ears asking "jeesh, what's wrong with him?" and Abby saying "It OK Ethan, it only a school bus. It not hurt you". Finally some very nice lady who worked at the bus building took pity on me and offered to keep Abby so I could ride on the bus with Ethan. I felt like a terrible Mom leaving my daughter with this woman I didn't know, but I really wanted to get Ethan on the bus. So, I left my 2-yr-old in the arms of a stranger (she did great - they bribed her with animal crackers) and got on the bus with Ethan and Leyton. Ethan did eventually calm down and we practiced getting off the bus and getting picked up at the bus stop. Who knew this could all be so complex! It will be interesting to see how the first day of summer school goes....... He has such a hard time with transitions - he cried everyday for 3 months when we moved to Liberty and he went to daycare. I have visions of dragging him into a dorm room in about 13 years and having to remove a future college freshman clinging to my leg so I can leave him with his new roommate.
Then we headed over to our friend Lucy's house for a BBQ. The kids had a great time and I was able to leave them at Lucy's while I snuck away to attend my weight watchers meeting in peace (only 1 more week until I make lifetime - yeah!!). I got back to Lucy's and found she was planning to go to the pool, so I decided to keep Abby up from her nap and head down to the pool. Today was the first day it's been warm enough with no rain to go to the pool, so I figured we should take advantage of it. The kids had fun, but Ethan was done after about 45 minutes. Abby would have stayed until the pool closed at 10pm if she had a choice;) So, we came home and Ethan passed out on the couch. I guess all that screaming, crying, playing and swimming exhausted him. Abby is watching Calliou and I'm enjoying a little peace and quiet! You'll notice Abby actually has pig tails in her hair in the above pics - this morning while we were getting ready to head to the bus orientation she told me "I want pretties - you make me horsey tails?" It was too cute:)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Snow Cones and Sidewalk Paint