Monday, June 11, 2007

The Princess and the Devil

Abby has been in rare 2-yr-old form today. We had a playgroup for the 2-yr-old crowd from the MOMS Club today and the plan was to have a picnic in the backyard. Unfortunately about 15 minutes after everyone arrived in began to rain, so we had our picnic on the kitchen floor instead. The kitchen floor picnic was a lot of fun, so I think the playgroup was a success despite the rain. Our backyard is currently a soggy mess due to all the rain, but I thought we would be safe having the playgroup outside if the kids stayed in the rock play area. My daughter was "helping" me get ready for the playgroup - and when I headed to the garage to bring some toys out back, she dumped over Hero's large bucket of water and added to the mudpit - then proceeded to dig her feet into the mud - and rub mud all over her clothes. So, I hauled her up to the shower, stripped her down and hosed her off. This is a process we've repeated 2 additional times today. She has figured out how to open the back sliding door and is a sneaky little thing. She sneaks out to see Hero and before we know it she's in the mud.

She's also learned how to climb. While the 2-yr-old crowd was playing in Abby's room, someone opened the dresser drawer and took out all of Abby's clothes. I walked in her room to find clothes and toys all over the floor and Abby standing in the 2nd dresser drawer. Just a warning - never leave a room full of 2-yr-olds unattended;) They had fun and I didn't mind the mess, so all is well. However, I was relaying the events of the day to Ed over dinner and he looked at Abby and said "is Ethan going to be the good one now? Is it your turn to be the devil?" She smiled her best smile, looked at Ed and said "No Daddy, I a princess. Ethan is the devil." Then proceeded to walk around the house saying "Ethan is the devil, Ethan is the devil". It was pretty amusing.

I also determined today that I have a serious problem. I am officially a fountain diet coke addict (as if there was any doubt). This morning after I dropped Ethan off at the bus I ran to Sonic to pick up my Diet Coke. Once I got there, I had the revelation that since I was hosting the playgroup I wouldn't have a chance to leave the house again today. So, I bought 2 Route 44 Diet Cokes. Then I came home and hid one in the fridge in the garage until Ed left so he wouldn't know I bought 2. This was when I decided I have a problem. I guess atleast I'm not hiding bottles of Vodka:)

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