Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Summer School Update

So, yesterday was the first day of summer school for Ethan. The morning went about like I anticipated. I got out of the shower and heard this very loud crying coming from Ethan's room. I went in to investigate assuming maybe his throat was hurting. When I asked what was wrong, he looked at me with his big blue eyes full of tears and said "I don't want to go". Jeesh - he hadn't even gotten out of bed yet, and already it was starting. The rest of the morning went pretty much like the beginning. When we were ready and it was time to get in the van, I pulled out the camera to get some "1st day of school pics". The above were the result. He was ready (but not happy about it), but then took off his backpack and laid on the floor crying and telling me very adamantly he WAS NOT going. OK, time to bring in reinforcements. Ed was working downstairs, so I went down and got him. Ed pretty much carried him to the van kicking a screaming. All the way to school he cried and yelled. I looked longingly at McDonalds really wanting a diet coke, but couldn't stop for fear Ethan would make a break for it. So, we drove on past and finally pulled up to the school. Luckily once he got out of the van, he calmed down a bit. We went into the school, found his room and as luck would have it there on the list of students was one of Ethan's friends from preschool - and one from down the street. I don't think I've ever been so happy about anything in my entire life!! Once he met his teacher and checked out the room, he really calmed down. I left him playing PlayDoh with his friends and escaped to Sonic to get my very large diet coke!! Abby and I had a quiet day and then we went up to pick Ethan up from the bus. He got off very excited and reported that he had a fun day. The only mishap was leaving his new lunchbox with his new Lightning McQueen thermos at school. We got home and he informed me he was going to pick up his lunch box tomorrow and then coming home. No more school. Good Lord - I envisioned every morning in June starting like the first day..... This morning he cried and whined a bit, but got on the bus and waved and smiled at me when the bus pulled off. So, we are making progress. Tonight he asked me if he had to go back again tomorrow. I said yes (expecting a lot of complaints). With no crying or whining he asked if he had to ride the bus. Once again I answered yes - waiting for the tears to start. He looked at me, smiled and said "YES!" Holy Cow - I'm wondering if the child is bi-polar:) Honestly, I think he's enjoying his new found independence now that he's comfortable with the whole school and bus situation. I'm enjoying the quiet days - and the fact that he's zonked out in bed at night by 8:30! I love him dearly, but I think we were both ready for kindergarten!!

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