Thursday, June 14, 2007

Best Friends

In many ways Abby is very much like her father. She's very laid back (as much as a 2-yr-old can be), she wakes up happy (a trait she definitely does not get from me) and she pretty much goes with the flow. However, there are other aspects of her personality that are all me. The way she talks, how much she talks and her love of animals. She ADORES Hero. After she wakes up in the morning, she goes out to visit him while still in her pajamas. She hugs him, snuggles with him and is delighted when I let him come into the house for a visit. Of course, very often these visits are not voluntary on my part. Abby can open the sliding glass door and she goes out to visit Hero just about every hour when we are home and she often forgets to shut the door when she comes back in the house. So every once and a while I will be in our room folding laundry or cleaning and in moseys Hero with Abby running behind him squealing in delight. The other day she was laying on him out on the deck and I could resist taking a few pics - they make such a cute pair:)

1 comment:

Nichole said...

Those pictures are so sweet!