Thursday, June 21, 2007

"I want to be you when I grow up"

I started going to a kickboxing class about a year and a half ago - about the same time I went back to Weight Watchers to lose the rest of my "baby weight". I initially started the class because I knew if I wanted to lose the weight and keep it off I needed to exercise. I've continued with the class for many reasons - it has helped with my weight loss, but more importantly it helps me maintain what little sanity I have left after spending all day at home with 2 kids. It is my stress relief - my time away. Anyway, last night at the class there was a new woman who was there with her teenage daughter. After the class she came up and asked me "how long have you been taking this class?" I told her I'd been taking it for quite a while and she looked at me very seriously and said "I want to be you when I grow up". I had to laugh - I never envisioned being a role model for anyone when it comes to exercise. Who knew!!

I came home from kickboxing last night to find 2 very dirty and sweaty kids. They had been playing outside in the backyard - and by the looks of them they had been playing VERY hard. They wanted a drink before their bath, so I sat them at the table and gave them each a juice box. Then I turned around to check my email and heard Ethan say "Abby is using all the napkins". I turned around to find her squirting her juice box all over the napkin basket on the table. I yelled at her and she started crying and screaming like a typical 2-yr-old. While I was cleaning up the juice I looked over to see Ethan grinning from ear to ear. I asked him what was so funny and he looked at me with his sweaty hair and dirt streaked face and said "at least it wasn't me this time". Once again I had to laugh!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everybody was Kung-Fu Fighting!!!! Seriously, that's way cool. Says too things: 1) you're kicking ass (no pun intended) and other see it and want to do it too, and 2) you're getting older!!

Sorry for no posts's been even more hectic it seems. Well off to bed finally...