Friday, June 29, 2007

What's the deal with white gumballs?

One of my fondest childhood memories is spending time at my grandma MiMi's house. She had this gumball machine sitting at the end of her kitchen counter and to make it even more fun there was always a dish of pennies sitting by the machine, so we could have gumballs anytime we wanted. Even when I was in college and would stop by to visit I would still get gumballs from the gumball machine. The only gumballs I didn't like were the white ones. Inevitably I would put in a penny and out would roll a white gumball. Thanks to MiMi and her never ending supply of pennies I could just put in another penny and out would roll a gumball of another color (hopefully). I always left the white gumballs in the machine and eventually they would disappear. Either one of my cousins would take them or MiMi got tired of looking at them - I'll never know. The gumball story was one of the first memories I shared with Ed when we started dating. One year for my birthday he bought me my very own gumball machine - just like MiMi's!!

I loved the sentiment and to this day it is one of the favorite gifts he's ever given me. However, I found the appeal of the gumballs wasn't there when the machine was sitting on my own counter. I think I loved the idea of gumballs and the memories linked to the gumball machine at MiMi's house. So the poor gumballs sat in the machine for about 6 years - until last month when my own children developed an interest in the gumball machine. So off to Toys R Us we went to get brand new gumballs - we dumped out the old and poured in the new. The kids love it - they each get a piece just about every day. I've once again started putting pennies into the machine to get myself a gumball every now and then. Just about every time I decided to get one, I put in a penny and out rolls - you guessed it - a white gumball. Today I got 4 white gumballs in a row! I'm not sure what the deal is with white gumballs, but Ethan doesn't like them either. So we have to pawn the white ones off on pour unsuspecting Abby. She doesn't seem to care - she's just happy she's finally getting gum!

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