Friday, July 13, 2007

We'll be eating ramen noodles for a while

But the dog will be healthy. I took Hero for his follow-up today. He's been on his thyroid meds for 2 months now and we were all convinced he'd lost weight. So I very proudly walked him up on the scale today only to see that his weight has not changed - not even an ounce! I have to say I was shocked. It went downhill from there. While we were waiting in the exam room I noticed Hero was getting another hot spot. When they went to shave the area, the Dr. checked his ears and they once again need cleaned and more meds. To make a very long story short(er), $200.00 later we are home once again treating hot spots and waiting to hear from the vet for the results of Hero's blood test. The results should reveal why he hasn't lost weight. He does get to go on diet food now, so maybe I'll start taking him to weight watchers with me after all!

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