Monday, June 25, 2007

You can take the boy out of the country........

Today after school Ethan and his friend Leyton were playing in the backyard. The phone rang and I glanced at the caller ID and noticed it was our next door neighbor. I answered the phone and this is what I heard "I don't want to be nosy, but I thought I'd let you know the boys are peeing in the dog water". Seriously. This is both amusing and disturbing on many levels. Ed and I lived on no less than 4 acres from the time we moved in together 11-yrs-ago up until we moved to suburbia in 2005. So Ed thought nothing of teaching Ethan to "pee on a tree" when he was potty training. This was fine when we lived on 4 acres, but not so much here in the ol' subdivision. It's a habit we've been trying to break for the last 2 years (apparently without much success).

I'm also still not used to neighbors watching our every move. Now, don't get me wrong, I like our neighbors and I'm happy they called so I knew to change the dog's water, but they get home from work and sit on their deck to observe the on-goings of our street until late at night. This ritual also involves beer and lots of cigarette smoking. It still amazes me that anyone can sit on a deck for that long - they have some serious deck-sitting stamina. I'm continually amazed by how things work here in suburbia - but I guess it's a good thing the neighbors were on the deck or Hero would have been drinking some pretty gross water!


Anonymous said...

Boys will be boys...little to do with being 'trained' to do it in the country first though - Bubba has lived in suburban Columbia his whole life but quite frequently 'whips it out' in the back lawn. He 'taught' the next door neighbor kid this trick recently - argggg - so I'm right there with you. I think it's all pretty safe and normal unless they are still doing it when they are 15 or doing it not so much to pee but 'let the little feller out' (if you know what I mean?).

No haviing said it's normal peeing in Hero's dish says something more twisted about the little buggers...don't know what but it's gotta be twisted@!!#% ha! ha!

Renee said...

Hey dancedad - Missed you lately:) Glad you're back!!

I guess at least it's not just Ethan - this has to be some sort of trait located on the Y chromosome!!