Thursday, June 7, 2007

Playing in the Rain

Abby loves to play outside on the deck - it's one of her favorite places to hang out, especially when Hero comes up to visit. So, this afternoon when it was raining, she begged and begged to "get wet in the rain". It was pretty warm outside and at the time there was no thunder or lightening, so I finally gave in and let her out in the rain. This is what she looked like when she started playing outside:
She played outside for about 15 minutes - stomping in the water and just running around in true excitement like only a 2-yr-old can. Here is a picture of her stomping in the rain - and another with Hero (I wish it wouldn't have come out blurry - it's such a cute pic). He was pretty funny - he kept looking at her like he was wondering why she wouldn't just go back inside so he could get back to the shelter of his doghouse:)
And here's what she looked like right before she came in from her escapades in the rain:
Who could resist that face??
In other news - Ethan is doing AWESOME at school - I am so proud of him. We had absolutely no tears this morning - which was a good thing since I forgot to set the alarm and didn't wake up until 7:30. He has to be at the bus stop by 8:00 - so it was a very rushed morning.
I also officially made Lifetime status at Weight Watchers today, which means I don't have to pay them anymore (Yeah!). I still have about 5 lbs to lose to get to my official goal, but it's sooooo nice not to have to continue to pay the monthly fee. I stopped by Sonic and bought myself a celebratory diet coke on my way home from the meeting.
It's been a good day:)


Abigail said...

Woo hoo! Congrats on getting lifetime. That's awesome.

Nichole said...
