Saturday, June 30, 2007

Conversations with my children

The following are 2 conversations I had with Ethan and Abby today:

1. Abby: Mommy, what's in your mouth?
Me: (chewing gum) Nothing
Abby: Can I have some nothing too Mommy?
Me: No, not right now
Abby: I love you Mommy, you are my best mommy

Hummm - it's good to be the best even when I lied about the gum AND told her no;)

2. Me: Abby, are you OK? (She's had some stomach issues yesterday and today)
Ethan: I bet she has diary
Me: What?
Ethan: You know, diary - that runny poop you get after you throw up.


Morgan Cartwright said...

lol, Renee, that is hilarious!

Marci said...

Ok, you just made my day with this one.....that is great!