Friday, April 20, 2007


It was one of those mornings. Abby was up before I had a chance to shower - and this is never a good way to start the day. I was trying to get dressed for our monthly MOMS Club meeting, and was drying my hair when Ethan came in and said "Um Mom, Abby found the booty powder". Now, keep in mind I really hate powder. I only have this type in the house because Abby gets really bad diaper rash and it is one of the only things that helps. Well, not only does it provide diaper rash relief, it also provides much entertainment for the 2-yr-old crowd. The pictures above are what I saw when I walked into my kitchen. Of course, I had a bit of fear when I first spotted our dark brown leather recliner. Apparently (based on the white residue all over the chair) powder girl had decided to lounge a bit in between emptying the bottle of powder on the kitchen floor. She was very proud of herself. "Look Mommy, I clean the floor" she proclaimed when I walked in the kitchen. Ughhhhh.

Then on the way home from the MOMS Club meeting, a very helpful older brother handed Abby a purple marker. She proceeded to cover her hands and pants with a very nice shade of purple. We were on our way to our friend Lucy's house for lunch, and Ethan very seriously looked at me and said "but it's OK Mom, Lucy has a sink". Hummmm - gotta love 5-yr-old logic:)

Abby is sleeping and I am having "Mommy time". It's a good thing it's nice outside, between that and the diet coke, I am still in a surprisingly OK mood!


Mom said...


This is really cute! The kids and you will really value these stories as you advance through the differences stages of their growing up.....and it's only just beginning!! Your mother is right, you should get started on a book (and maybe this is the start). You would do a wonderful job. Your kids will be grown before you know it......enjoy them.....then when they're grown up you have the extra-added joy of grandchildren. Great job!!

Love, Jane

Rolanda said...

OMG, that is halarious. Emerie is here looking a the pictures and she said, "my friend is soooo funny"! Cool, I am glad you got on the bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.....I wonder if mom ever did anything like this as a child?? Karmic payback??? Naw, not Renee, she never do something like this...wait, what am I thinking of course she would. Guess it serves ya right huh?

Glad to see you have your own Blog now, ya know how much I love the Blogosphere...BTW, check out the most recent post on the lab blog (today)

Renee said...

Who me?? I would never do such a thing!! As you might imagine, I was always a good, quiet child. She must get this behavior from Ed:)