Thursday, April 26, 2007

Kittens and Anteaters

We've been invaded by ants. I'm very annoyed that I can't figure out where they're coming from, but they really like the area under Abby's chair (go figure). Anyway, after I dropped Ethan off at school this morning Abby asked "where we going now Mommy?" I told her we needed to go to the store and get something to kill the ants. She got this very excited look on her face and exclaimed "we get a kitty"! I laughed and asked her why we needed a kitty. She looked at me and said "kitty kill the ants". The poor little thing really wants a cat. Unfortunately I am allergic and Ed hates cats, so the chances of her getting one are very slim. Anyhow, when I picked Ethan up from school he asked what Abby and I did today. So, I told him the story about Abby wanting a kitty to kill the ants. He looked at me and said "well, that's silly. We should just get an anteater." Imagine how surprised Ed would be if he came home and found an anteater living in the kitchen!! Then Ethan thought for a while and asked "do anteaters pee and poop?". Now, I don't have a lot of experience with anteaters, but I'm assuming they do indeed excrete waste like other animals, so I assured him they did. Ethan then said "well, that's OK, we could just take it outside like we used to take Princess outside. Or we could just get some bug spray". Yes - I settled for the bug spray, but who knows, if that doesn't work I might be in the market for an anteater:)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Poor Abby's logic is flawed...I have 3 cats and 3,000 ants. We seem to have a neverending supply of Cheerios for the little ants to snack on. Sigh.