Monday, July 23, 2007

Farmer Ethan

A few weeks ago we went out to eat with my Dad and Step-Mom to celebrate my birthday. Ethan ordered fruit with his dinner and was very excited when his watermelon showed up with actual seeds (I always buy seedless). My Dad convinced Ethan to take the seeds home and plant them so he could grow his own watermelons. The very next day Ethan and Ed got out some plastic cups and planted the watermelon seeds - ever since they have been sitting in the bay window above the sink in the kitchen. This weekend I was getting really tired of looking at them and I told Ed "those are never going to grow, I'm going to throw them out". I never got around to it - or should I say I never had a chance when Ethan wasn't around. Today I was doing the dishes and I looked up to see a little watermelon seedling popping over the top of one of the cups! I took down the cups and indeed we have 4 little watermelon seedlings growing.

The first thing he said was "Wow - I have to call Pops". After that he looked at me and said "so when will we get watermelons?" I guess we'll be transplanting the seedlings to a pot soon to see if they keep growing!


Mom said...

So glad to hear that the watermelon seeds are growing!! Pops really enjoyed Ethan's phone call, too. Hope things keep growing well!!


Anonymous said...

buddig' plant biologist???

check to the Lab Blog and see the 'final' (near anyhow) T-shirt design.

Let me know if you still want one.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to revive my personal Blog've inspired me (not that I'll be as deligent with posts - but have one today that might give ya a chuckle):

Marci said...

Wow, I am sitting here ready this and laughing. How funny, I guess Dad is right sometimes. I had no idea that this would even work. I am sure Ethan is soooo excited. Tell him that Aunt Marci wants one of his watermelon when it grows.