Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Diving Board

I just have to brag on Ethan for a minute. He's been taking swimming lessons twice a week and while I would love for him to learn to swim, I honestly enrolled him to have an activity that would wear him out a couple times a week. Combine that with the fact that I can put Abby in the daycare at the community center and have half an hour to work out and it's a win-win situation. Learning to swim was just a side benefit;) Today I decided to stay and watch Ethan during his lessons - he seems to be fully recovered from the evil virus, but I wanted to be there just in case he started feeling unwell again. I'm so glad I stayed - today was the first day they ventured to the "big pool" and jumped off the diving board. Here's the deal - I really like his swimming teacher. He's big into teaching them to do things the right way, so he doesn't get in the water to "catch" when they jump in. He stands on the side of the pool and coaches - and he swears he won't let them jump in until he knows they're ready. I guess today he decided they were ready. I was so proud of Ethan - my usually whiney drama queen went first (his choice) and walked to the end of the board and jumped right in to the 14-ft-deep pool. I have to say my stomach was doing flip-flops watching my baby jump in with no one there to "catch". He did GREAT and was so proud of himself. What a big man!!


Anonymous said...

Hey...little kid news from our side...of all things to happen, Taylor broke her arm today in dance camp!! Dancing!!! Who says it's not a contact sport?

Renee said...

Hope she's doing OK!! Broken arms seem to be a trend at your house;)

Anonymous said...

She's doing well...got a cast today and went right back to dance camp! And yes arms seem to be an issue...too bad we need them! At least we 'beat' a different kid this time huh?