Sunday, July 15, 2007

Backyard Cobbler

I do believe our neighbors think Ed has gone crazy. For some unknown reason, tonight Ed decided to use some of the camping supplies he had left over and make a cobbler in his dutch oven. Now while most people would do this inside in the oven, my husband decided to make the cobbler outside. He made a fire with charcoal under the deck (the only place in the backyard where there isn't grass), put the cobbler together in his dutch oven and cooked it over the coals in the backyard. He went outside to start the fire and while he was inside assembling the ingredients for his creation the phone rang. Yep, you guessed it - it was the deck-sitting neighbors. I answered the phone to hear "did you know there's a fire under your deck? Karl is on his way over with the hose!!" I could almost hear the sound of disbelief when I told her it was OK - Ed was just making a cobbler. Once the cobbler was finished he did take some to the neighbors, so hopefully they'll overlook my crazy husband making a cobbler in the backyard since he brought a peace offering. And as much as I hate to admit it, the cobbler (apple-cherry) was pretty tasty! Lets just say I'll be doing a few extra minutes on the elliptical tomorrow due to the amount of cobbler I consumed.


Nichole said...

That's hilarious. Although it's a little disturbing how closely your neighbors watch your house!

Anonymous said...

Excuse Mrs. Harper, I think I just saw your husband wiping his arse sideways...just thought you'd like to know. A Friendly Neighbor!

You really do live in the "Burbs" and have Bruce Dern as a neighbor...jeez. I think I'll take up a collection and send it to them so they can go on a family trip to Wally-world at least one friday in the near future so you guys can have a break...I think the "Harper Drive-In" should close for a bit!!

Renee said...

I think they mean well - they just spend way too much time sitting out on their deck smoking. I guess if there ever is a real fire this will be a good thing:)

I do have to say I miss the days when the only ones who noticed what we were doing at our house were the deer and the squirrels.......

Anonymous said...

BTW, Had a Liscum Lab Reunion Lunch in Chicago at ASPB and saw Darron and Tom - both say hello.

Rolanda said...

This is way too funny. I've seen your neighbors and I can totally believe it. Nice...oh yeah and ask Ed what it takes to get some cobbler. Do we have to come over and set up shop outside your house with our lawn chairs, PBR and a pack of viceroys???:)
