Friday, August 10, 2007

Unofficially Employed

For the first time in 2 years I think I actually have a paying job! Tonight I went to an informational session about working for weight watchers and the territory manager unofficially offered me a position as a leader! She said she'd contact me next week with more information, so I guess Hi Ho, Hi Ho it's off to work I go:) Actually I'm pretty excited about this because I can work part time doing something I really enjoy but have a schedule flexible enough to still spend time with the kids.

I've been gone for one reason or another almost every night this week, so Abby was really happy to see me when I got home from my meeting tonight. She climbed right up in my lap, snuggled in and said "Mommy, you are my best snuggler". Too cute. The response I got from Ethan was not nearly as endearing. He said "Mom, you smell funny". I'm not sure what's up with his nose lately, but everyday this week he's told me I smell funny. I'm starting to get a complex about the whole thing. Ed assures me I don't have a funky smell, but still it's not a very nice thing to hear everyday from my 5-yr-old. I'm choosing to ignore his comment and focus on being the best snuggler - because that makes me smile:)


Nichole said...

Congratulations on the job! And I'm sorry you smell funny. :)

Brooke said...


Abigail said...

Yeah! I can't think of anyone better for the job.