Monday, August 13, 2007

I think I'm moving - my site;)

I'm trying out a new blog at So click here to go to the new and improved "adventures in motherhood".

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ready for Kindergarten

Ever since Ethan started needing his hair cut (at about 2-yrs-old) I've been the one doing the cutting. This started as a necessity because he literally freaked out anytime I took him anywhere to get his hair cut. So I started giving him "buzz cuts" like his Dad and it's worked out pretty well. A few weeks ago it was "haircut time" and Ethan told me he wanted to grow his hair out a little bit. I'm OK with this, so I trimmed it up best I could and let him go on his way. The past few weeks Abby's hair has been driving me crazy and I finally got around to making an appointment at Sheer Madness yesterday to get it cut. We were on our way and Ethan said "Mom, can I get my hair cut there also?" I looked at his terribly bushy hair which is growing out from a buzz cut and decided indeed a haircut might be a good idea since he is starting kindergarten this week. He sat in the yellow hummer at Sheer Madness and informed the stylist "I want it spikey". Above is the result. It looks pretty cute (I know I should probably say handsome, but he's just so darn cute I can't help myself;) and it should since he conned me into styling gel that was $13.50 to achieve his "spikey look". I was feeling brave and since Ed was with us we ventured out to get school shoes after the haircut. Shopping for shoes with Ethan is one of the outings I dread most because he HATES to try anything on, but he was feeling cooperative and we found a pair pretty quickly. Abby also scored a pair of shoes since Shoe Carnival was having a buy one get one half off sale. Now we're all ready for school to start.
We've spent the rest of the weekend just trying to stay cool. It's 10pm here and still 90 degrees! There's not much relief in sight as it's supposed to be 100 degrees tomorrow. Have I mentioned I hate hot weather? We have been hibernating in the AC as much as possible and going to the pool in the evening. I'm soooooo ready for fall! Speaking of - I've started to see signs of Halloween at the stores, and that makes me a very happy person:)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Unofficially Employed

For the first time in 2 years I think I actually have a paying job! Tonight I went to an informational session about working for weight watchers and the territory manager unofficially offered me a position as a leader! She said she'd contact me next week with more information, so I guess Hi Ho, Hi Ho it's off to work I go:) Actually I'm pretty excited about this because I can work part time doing something I really enjoy but have a schedule flexible enough to still spend time with the kids.

I've been gone for one reason or another almost every night this week, so Abby was really happy to see me when I got home from my meeting tonight. She climbed right up in my lap, snuggled in and said "Mommy, you are my best snuggler". Too cute. The response I got from Ethan was not nearly as endearing. He said "Mom, you smell funny". I'm not sure what's up with his nose lately, but everyday this week he's told me I smell funny. I'm starting to get a complex about the whole thing. Ed assures me I don't have a funky smell, but still it's not a very nice thing to hear everyday from my 5-yr-old. I'm choosing to ignore his comment and focus on being the best snuggler - because that makes me smile:)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Biding my time

School starts one week from tomorrow. Only 7 more days. The first thing on my list when Ethan is at school and Abby is napping is to "hoe" out Ethan's room. Abby's is next on the list once she starts school (August 28th). Their rooms have been driving me insane all summer, but I can't actually clean out their rooms with them helping. Ethan inherited the pack rat gene from his father and the minute he sees me throw something away he digs it out of the trash. He's learned to look in the trash can when we're cleaning to make sure I haven't sneaked something out of his room. Imagine his dismay when today I walked into his room (and by walked I mean tripped over all the toys laying on his floor) and we both heard a big "CRUNCH". Underneath his rug which was buried in toys was the Etch-A-Sketch. Lets just say you can't step on the screen of an Etch-A-Sketch and expect it to be functional. On a positive note we got to see all of the metallic powder and drawing apparatus inside the Etch-A-Sketch so now we know exactly how it used to work ("used to work" is the operative phrase here). After all the tears and fit-throwing, Ethan and I cleaned his room so we can now walk through it without inflicting fatal damage on any other unsuspecting toys. I am soooo looking forward to next week and the cleaning I'll be able to do all by myself. I have a feeling our fall garage sell will be a good one!!

Sunday, August 5, 2007


It's amazing how fast our weekends go by even when we don't have any real plans. We startedthis weekend on Friday by taking a tour of the chocolate factory at Crown Center with the MOMS Club. The kids loved learning about how they made the fudge and the candy maker put on quite a show for us (above pics). We all got to taste some yummy treats and came home with goody bags of fudge and chocolate treats. It was a very fun and tasty way to start the weekend!

We spent the rest of the weekend trying to stay cool. We spent a good majority of Saturday getting things done around the house and then we headed to our neighborhood pool. Tonight we went to Abby's friend Emerie's 3rd b-day party and it was full of fun! Both kids were tuckered out and are in bed sound asleep. I'm headed that direction myself soon so good night for now!!